One thing that bothers me to pieces is when people say "I was abused as a child, so that is why I am the way I am" or "I had a bad childhood so that is why I steal". This is flat out utter BS! You CHOOSE to wake up in a good mood or a bad one, you CHOOSE to steal, you CHOOSE to abuse your children. NOBODY made you do anything. I have had a rough childhood: abused, neglected and belittled, but I CAN DO ANYTHING I PUT MY MIND ON!!! You hinder yourself, not others. You are the one that put limitations on your achievements, goals and dreams. The sky is the limit for anyone, no matter their past.
I do not allow my past to interfere with my present or future. I do believe that your past influences you. However you can either learn from your past and try to make a better future for yourself, or you can make excuses for your life because of what you've been through. Your past can impact how you make decisions, but do not make excuses based on your past for any bad decisions. Making excuses for how you live and what you do with your life based on your past is unacceptable. It happened, whatever it is, it happened. Now learn from it, don't let it happen again, fight for what is right and move on. Take what you know and try to change the world... FOR THE BETTER!
God has put you in a situation so you can learn from it, not try to gain pity from others for it. It is unfair to society for you not to grow up and be a productive member of the world. Teach others how not to be... Give back to the world... Be supportive of someone going through the same thing. Just please, please do not blame your past on how you live your life. You can overcome, adapt and live a very good, positive life just choose to! It's as simple as waking up in the morning and saying to yourself, this is going to be a good day!